Top Social Media Platforms for your Business
If you have a small business you should certainly consider using social media to promote your business, otherwise you could be missing out on reaching a wide range of potential customers, with over 70% of the UK’s population on social media. Social media advertising is the cheapest and most effective marketing tool to promote your new business, however not every social media platform is as good as the next, you need to do the research on which platform fits your business in the best possible way. Here are the different platforms Faber Web Design suggests that you should consider for your business.
1. Facebook
Even with all the bad things said regarding facebook over the years, it is still very much one of the most popular platforms of social media and ideally every business should definitely consider having a facebook page. When executed in the right way a small facebook page can prove to be very beneficial to any small business. Facebook is a great way to share everything your does via your phone, whether it be recent news, offers or just generally keeping your followers up to date. Having a facebook business account gives you the opportunity to access a very effective advertising tool with great detailed analytics to target the right audience for your business. It also allows you to show important contact information so potential customers can make inquires as quickly and as simply as possible.
2. Twitter
Twitter isn’t normally the go to social media platform for business accounts, as they are usually used for short updates and blogs posts, so it doesn’t really offer the same tools as other social media platforms. Twitter does allow you share short blogs with limited characters, videos, images and links all of which can be retweeted by your followers, so if your business requires a very visual advertisement twitter most likely isn’t the social media platform for you. That being said many businesses have managed to gain huge followers from twitter which direct customers and followers to different platforms such as their businesses website. A lot of companies use twitter as a customer service platform to deal with suggestions or complaints or reviews, which can prove to be very helpful for customers. If you have constant interesting content and regular updates then twitter is the ideal social media platform to promote your business.
3. Instagram
Instagram is the most increasingly popular social media network today, and only recently have they started allowing businesses to sell and advertise products effectively via the platform, as it only used to be video and image based with minimal descriptions. As records show 70% of business views via the internet from customers are made from a mobile or device, which makes instagram an optimal platform for purchases and advertising as it is almost entirely mobile based. As instagram started out as a purely image and videos based social media platform, it is ideal to have a more artistic niche when advertising via instagram, so if you have a business that doesn’t require a very visual platform but rather just promoting a service, instagram probably isn’t for your business.
4. Pinterest
Very much like instagram started out Pinterest is mainly a visual social media platform which allows their users to share and save content by pinning via a bulletin board, which is mainly organised by categories. Pinterest is mainly a platform that is used to display artwork and photography so unless your business is within those sectors it isn’t the social media platform for you to advertise your business on as it is very limited as to what you can do. Therefore Pinterest is the perfect social media platform for niche businesses, such as art, fashion, beauty and fashion, yet a lot of businesses you wouldn’t expect share videos and images for advertisement purposes such as DIY projects, personal trainer with exercise videos and cooks with quirky methods.
5. Youtube
As most people know youtube is used as a video sharing platform in which users upload, share and rate each others content. Youtube has progressively got bigger and bigger since google have taken over and now provides news and entertainment. Again like instagram and Pinterest, youtube is mainly used by businesses that and a more creative, visual outlet. With youtube, you don’t necessarily have to have a channel for your business, as there is large subculture of Youtubers that share content and videos to many of their followers and large audiences. It is not unusual for businesses to partner up with youtube influencers in order to gain a wider audience and utilise on their product placement.
6. Linkedln
Although Linkedin isn’t the most popular social media platform, social being the main term, it is perfect for professional business networking. Linkedin is the go to media platform to promote your business, find the right talent for your business or depict yourself as an industry leader. Unlike other social media platforms Linkedin is designed to be used on a more professional basis. It is essentially a social media platform that appears more like a CV, With company pages and a place to showcase businesses. It is the perfect hub to post job openings and information regarding your business.