Top Five Essentials for your Websites Home page
It goes without saying that your businesses Home page is by far the most important page throughout your website. It is the very first thing your viewers and most importantly potentials customers will see, therefore the whole of your companies first impression rests on your home page and we all know within any business sector first impressions are everything. It is widely known that website visitors know in under ten seconds whether or not they want to stay or go, so this leaves you with very little time you capture your viewers attention and convert that viewer in to a client or customer.
With a view to help capture your viewers attention within those ten seconds, here are Coventrys leading web design company, Faber Web Designs Top Five Essentials for your Websites Home Page. This guide will ensure you are reflecting your businesses great service within your home page making your digital footprint with in your sector online.
1 Company Branding
Not only online but in the real world your business logo plays a huge role within your branding strategy. As you most likely considered when designing your company logo you want it to visually represent your business in the best way possible, and the same rules apply online as in real life, make your brand stand out, make sure it the first thing the viewer see when visiting your website. You want it to be clearly stated at the top left if not with in the opening slider so your visitors know what kind of website they come on to. If you include your logo within the slider think about a bold company tag line to company it, what ever chose you make as to where to put your logo remember to always have it in the top left corner throughout the website on a sticky header, visible from all aspects.
2 Navigation
There is nothing worse than getting lost with in a website with not knowing how to get back to where you were, this is guaranteed to leave the viewer frustrated and most likely to just simply exit your website. The solution, a clear and crisp navigation bar located at the top throughout your website, this is essential to your viewers experience you want them knowing where they are on your website at all times leaving them satisfied and in control. It also plays a big part in your search engine optimisation and google rankings as it scores your website points if you have easily accessible and understanding navigation enticing visitors to view your services and content.
3 Social Media
This is massively important for your business if you use social media as your companies marketing strategy, and if you don’t you should really think about doing so as its a great, cheap way to advertise your business and increase leads to your website resulting in more business. With over 70% of online users expecting businesses to be on social media, that fact in its self shows how it can generate leads, so it well worth your time especially at a small cost. Once your social media platforms are established you need to make them fully integrated to your website, locating them at the top of your home page allowing your viewers easy access or even just showing the fact you are on social media giving them the impression you are easy to contact.
4 Contact Information
Although it is not necessarily something the viewer will be taking notice of in the first 10 seconds in most cases, yet it is very important to have your businesses contact information very visible and easily accessible as a lot of customers like to enquiry through different forms of media like by phone or email. It is advise that direct email and telephone number should be located in the top right hand corner at all times but also given more option further down on the home page, included features such as a contact form which directs to your business email, or a second and third option for phone numbers. Like social media integration it is a good way to show your viewers and potential clients that you are easily accessible and ready to contact if they want to make any enquiries regarding your services.
5 Services and Content
Again this doesn’t really apply to the ten second rule to keep your viewers on your website, but the content in which you have on home page says a lot about your businesses. Its very good for your businesses search engine optimisation to have clear and in depth content on your home page, yet we all know the viewer is very unlikely to go through all of it so it is advise in addition to your in-depth content to have a section that gets straight to the point of what services you company provides and what your business is about. You should take a lot of time and consideration when writing this as you want to make sure you cover all bases, think about frequently asked questions, prices, services and time scale depending on what your business provides to your customers and clients.
If you have found this post helpful and want to improve your home page to engage more viewers or want a new website designed and build with all the above criteria please do not hesitate to get in touch with Faber Web Design Coventry leading Web Developers.