Top Five Best Video Chat Platforms
With the worlds current situation regarding Covid-19 video chat platforms have never been so valuable for both the business world and social, keeping in touch and staying connected is at the forefront of everyone minds as we move even closer to another lockdown. If this pandemic has done anything for the better, it has developed the software for the world of video chat technology at an impressive rate. You could say it has made the whole experience that little bit easier for people and businesses worldwide as we are fortunate enough to have access to a wide range of software compatible for both device and desktop, most of which are free for all users whether it be for business or keeping in touch with friends and family.
As a result of the current situation you might be new to the world of social media and the idea of video chat platforms, and finding yourself asking the question which is the best platform to use for your requirements. So here are Faber Web Designs top five video chat platforms
1 Zoom
At the top of our list is Zoom, you are more than likely to have heard a lot about this since the beginning of lockdown as it is very popular amongst businesses and virtual social gatherings and for good reason. It is considered to be quite straight forward as far as video chat platforms go, with extensive features and support throughout all platforms. The standard free version enables all the same features as the one you pay for such as screen sharing, live annotation and encrypted chats, although if you wish invite 3 or more people in to the chat you must pay the fee of £15 a month to lift the 40 minute restriction, great value for money for businesses undergoing lockdown restrictions.
2 Google Duo
Google Duo put simply is androids long awaited answer to FaceTime, a featured video chat platform already built in to your android device that allows easy access to video calls and chats. As it the answer to Apples FaceTime, it contains a lot of the same fun features as its rival, and like FaceTime is probably used more on a social basis as it is mainly access via phone device although still can be accessed via desktop. To our surprise it can also be downloaded in the IOS app store making it readily available to iPhone users which brings down the limitations of what device or friends or colleagues may have.
3 Skype
Skype is a classic, the longest serving video chat platform within the list. And despite the age of this software it never fails to impress with featured regular updates allowing access on both device and desktop. Skype has many long lasting features that gives them the edge over the other video chat platforms, such as a massive 50 person limit with in a video chat, always been completely free and supports international calls and texting. Skye is ideal for connecting people who do not have their own devices and maybe a restricted landline or a less up to date mobile phone.
4 Facetime
With the popularity of Apple ever growing, we couldn’t have a top five video chat platform list without including FaceTime. Although its up there with the best it wasn’t apple that started the beginning of video chat software, but that being said they were the first to make it so easily accessible to everyday users via mobile device, they definitely took the idea of video chat and ran with it. As most Apple users will know this video chat platform is built in to every Apple device, containing all the features Google Duo has yet this platform is only accessible on Apple desires which limits your usage if you friends, clients or colleagues have a different device from Apple.
5 WhatsApp
Spread throughout all smart phone devices WhatsApp is the most popular alternative messaging services to date, the growing popularity of the platform only adds to its convenience as most if not all of your friends and family are most likely using it already as all is needed to access the software is a mobile number. There development within the app has been fast and very impressive as the video call feature wasn’t really up to standard, making the other more familiar platforms users go to for video calls, yet in todays market WhatsApp app video calls are becoming ever popular amongst user since the introduction of such features as 50 person limit, Facebook messenger integration and a wide range of new features. For now the video chat feature is only available on mobile devices but we imagine with the fast paced development of the WhatApp platform this problem will soon be resolved in the coming year.
If you have found this blog helpful in deciding what video chat platform is right for you or your business, take a look at Faber Web Designs other featured blog post for more help and assistants for technical advice regarding your business.