Top Five Best App Building Platform
If you have a business you wish to expand via mobile apps or you have a fresh, new, never been done before idea for a phone app and wish to seek advice on how to go about developing such an app, you’re in the right place.
Most people do not act upon these ideas and opportunities to expand due to fear of coding and other obstacles that may pop up during the process, that’s why the right software for app building is essential. And lucky for you now is as good a time as any to expand within the app market, as there are many platforms available with no coding knowledge or experience needed. If you know where to look app building platforms are readily available for any features you may require for your business, hobby or blog.
With all this being said about lack of knowledge and experience not being needed, the only thing you need to put in is time and ability to learn or the use of a web/app developer yet that will come at a cost depending on what it is you want for your new app. So here are the leaders in Web Design Coventry’s top five App Building Platforms.
1 Mobile Roadie
This is a very user friendly App builder that enables you to build and maintain your very own Android and IOS App. Its so user friendly thanks to it’s compatibility with most media types and with such a visual dashboard, it’s easy to keep on top of what you’re building allowing users to preview all the changes you make along the way, helping with the trial and error process of learning the ins and outs of the software.
2 AppMakr
The guys over at Appmakr hold claim to being the original way to make an app. And their software and App building platform supports that, allowing you to design and create custom apps for Android, IOS and HTML with absolutely no coding experience or knowledge. With continued updates Appmakr enables the user multiple features such as galleries, maps, social media links, in app shopping and many many more. Although all these features come a monthly cost.
3. Appery
The unique positive of Appery is that no installation or download is require, it is a cloud based App builder so allows the user to get started quickly and freely. Adding to the user friendly qualities of this platform is the drag and drop feature within the visual editor enabling a very easy to use method of creating your custom app. It also includes Apache Cordova, ionic, jQuery mobile allowing access to built in components. This is most definitely one of the best platform yet one of the more expensive starting at £60 a month.
4 The App Builder
This app building platform is more popular amongst bigger companies wanting to create an app for with in their business such as an intranet. It is ideal for this purpose as it provides a long list of plugins within the software to enable helpful features for employees and clients such as event planning, leaflets, catalogs and brochures. In app training is provided or they work with you to create and build a purpose built app for your in house business.
5 Good Barber
Similar to the above this platform is ideal for IOS and Android apps but this software really focuses on the details allowing the user to customise nearly everything about their app without the knowledge of any code what so ever. It also provides a long list of templates, icons and google fonts, making the design process even easier for user to get inspiration when creating their app. The App they provide with in the platform are all fully responsive allowing optimisation for both mobile, tablet and even desktop.
If you have found this post helpful and are considering creating your own app or are seeking assistant in building an app within these platforms mentioned above, please get in touch with Faber Web Design, Coventrys leading Web/App Designers.