Top 5 most profitable drop shipping products
When it comes to drop shipping there are two essential points you need to consider, getting your name or brand out there to advertise the product and probably most importantly the product. Choosing a great drop shipping product is crucial! The key to drop shipping success is keeping up to date with he latest product trends. This being said its extremely hard to foresee what will drop shipping products are most likely to be popular in the near or distant future. We believe there are three key points to follow when choosing your products to drop ship.
Innovative, useful products are the key to drop shipping success, this goes without saying but find these products early knowing they are brimming with selling potential before they actually take off is another thing. This is probably the hardest part as it takes a lot of innovative thinking as a seller but once you’ve found the right merchandise that is fresh, new and bursting with potential you’re already half way there.
This is normally decided when you’ve chosen your product as it is easier to narrow down your target market to a niche audience, so then you can go on to market your trending product to fill the gap in that small market for said niche. This largely widens the chances of converting views in to sales even though you are narrowing your audience. Finding your niche really depends on what you are selling and who it appeals to.
This is really just a follow up from finding your innovative product. Popular trends at the time will help you foresee what products are likely to take off. A good way to get in to the mind set of seeing what will be popular before it becomes a trend is checking popular blogs regularly or reading topical magazines or other reading material. Then eventually you can foresee what’s coming or even realise a gap in the market yourself that you can act quickly upon.

Here are Faber Web Designs top Five Drop shipping Products:
Women’s Wear
You’re probably thinking that this is nothing new, fashion has always been popular amongst female online shoppers, but what about practicality? Women’s shape wear is slowly but surely becoming increasingly for popular throughout online shopping and isn’t going down anytime soon. The reason for the rise in popularity is most likely down to more and more popular celebrities releasing their own shape wear lines, and with the whole body positive trends being all the rage at the moment this is no longer a sensitive subject to advertise.
Fitness Trackers
Fitness trackers hit a high popularity rating in 2017 and have continued to grow it is one of the very few product categories that has stayed strong within googles trends data over a three year period and is expecting to keep growing. This suggests that you are probably safe for another couple of years if you were to sell this type of product or even better still to keep up to date with the advancements of the product and what they will have to offer in the future.
Well Being Products
This is a rather broad category yet with all the latest trends being heath and well being related it really does offer massive potential. Its an idea to look in to for the future as new and useful products related to this market are being released everyday. If this is already an interest of yours then we strongly recommend you keep an eye out as your hobbies and health are becoming everyones main interest, with thirteen of googles top twenty products being health and well being related.
Bluetooth Speakers
This is one that you may know is already and has been very popular for a while yet again the sales and trend say that it is to remain popular amongst online shoppers for while, and if you were to expand on this as a seller and find an untapped niche then you will no doubt have success within the drop shipping market. With or without finding a niche within this market, bluetooth speakers are a pretty safe option as it is expected that annual sale rates are to increase between now and the end of 2021.
Teeth whiten kits
With the costs of professional dental treatment on the continuous rise, home dental kits covering a lot of treatments have been ever growing in popularity since 2017, with half the celebs on social media using them the continued interest is very unlikely to decline. This is another safe option as your market will be quite wide as everyone has teeth and the ever growing trend to have perfect teeth will keep you with a steady demand. Research has also shown teeth whitening products on the whole are to reach 7.3 billion in sales world wide by 2023.
If you have found this post helpful and wish to enquire about setting up your own online store to start your drop shipping journey, get in touch with Faber Web Design who offer starter deals with E-commerce and Shopify.